Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Who needs the time out?? Kiddos or Mama?

Ahhhhhh!!! I could just scream and cry today!! After being gone two days for jury duty not to mention that there is so much on my to do list this day is NOT going how I planned.  I started the day out in peace with Jesus. It is my favorite time of the day, next to when hubby arrives home! (love when we are together at night...and mama gets a break!) When I finished, I was ready for my next "me time" activity and then it all began. Both kiddos woke up grumpy, clingy, needy, hungry, wanting, EVERYTHING you could think of that could be annoying. The only thing they weren't was PATIENT, UNDERSTANDING, CALM, THANKFUL, and LOVING! Whoever figures out how to sew a child on to the mother's hip will make a killing!!!

In the midst of all of the frustration, anger and confusion because this is WHAT I prayed for, dreamed about and HOPED for, to be a Stay at Home Mom, I was feeling guilty, selfish and depressed. How can I be mad at my loves? They don't understand, they just want their mama. River of Tears was flowing through our home, bottom lips could have been tripped over. I HAD enough!!!  THEN, a small still voice said "I am here. Let me help." At that time I said, "YES, please do Jesus, I need YOU!!" WOW!!! How incredible is that our LORD and SAVIOR is ALWAYS with us when we are grumpy, clingy, needy, hungry, wanting and un-forgiving. I threw my hands up in the air to praise and worship him! Took 15 minutes to be alone. To CRY. To re-focus on who I am, and who he is in me.

God is good. He uses daily situations that bring us back to focus...and that is on him. Children are young, growing, learning, can be annoying, rude, crude, etc, are ALSO children of HIM our father! How much as adults that we too can act like "children" and it never phases us! I had to re-evaluate my actions toward my loves and asked for HIS strength and forgiveness. I am NOT perfect, nor do I wish to be. I am GRATEFUL that he is here always, pointed out my flaws, gives me unconditional love and shows tender mercy.

What started out to be a day full of a million things to do, children who weren't cooperating, a day that seemed the devil himself directed...has BECOME a day of HOPE, FORGIVENESS, PEACE, and LOVE! For the word says that:
"A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps." -Proverbs 16:9

You know what is so WONDERFUL about this all? God knows my past, and my future!! He WILL and has never forsaken me! I prayed for happy and healthy babies. To be a stay at home mom. To be a christian mother who shows her children and family the love of Christ. To raise Godly children even when the temptation arises to GIVE up and GIVE in! I will GIVE, and that is to HIM! I will GIVE my heart, my mind, my weakness, and let him have it all! 

The devil only knows my past and is afraid for his future, he is going to try everything and anything to keep me distracted and feeling overwhelmed. He can keep trying, and there will be times that I fall. However, I will not FAIL because "HE that is in me is greater than he that is in the world!" (1 John 4:4)
"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

From me to you Mama, my heart and prayers are with you on the days you are over whelmed, when little Susie is tormenting little Bobby, when piles of laundry are overflowing and have taken over the whole house, when you find yourself putting cereal in the fridge and milk in the cabinet because the night before you only got 4 hours of sleep due to Susie waking up screaming EVERY hour from a nightmare, I want you to remember these words:

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Cherish these moments now, show mercy and forgiveness always, and take a time out! 

Don't Loose Hope!

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